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His extensive history of Illyria was not published until by Joseph Keglevichwho partially corrected it. One inevitable consequence of the scale of the undertaking is the corresponding size of the book:

Charles Et Sylvie

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Their goal is to provide the first French-language synthesis of Koechlin's oeuvre in the anticipate that new paths of inquiry will be opened in exploring his extraordinarily diverse amount of work p. Du Cange's most central work is his Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis Glossary of medieval and late Latin , Paris, In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Musical analysis takes the front in the next section, Aesthetics and Compo sition, where specific works are discussed all the rage detail. This work, together with a dictionary of medieval and late Greek that he published ten years later, has gone all the way through numerous editions and revisions and is allay consulted frequently by scholars today. Compositeur et humaniste ed. After an introductory survey of Koechlin's life and works by Otfrid Nies, the body of this volume is controlled into five sections, each focusing on a different facet of Koechlin's wide ranging, humanist contributions. In addition to his glossaries, he produced important new editions of Byzantine historians and a number of other works.

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